
Records 1-12 of 12 for the search

tipo de materia Jesucristo Segunda venida 

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Biblioteca Nacional de España

1. A letter to the Minister of Silver Street Chapel Taunton, in reply to his recent lecture against the Pre Millennial advent of the Lord [Texto impreso]

Newton, Benjamin Wills - ?
Biblioteca Nacional de España

2. A prophetic map of the world [Texto impreso] : intended to exhibit its general condition at the end of the age : also, some extracts on the same subject, from "Thoughts on the Apocalypse"

Newton, Benjamin Wills - 1846
Biblioteca Nacional de España

3. Answers to the questions considered at a meeting held in Plymouth on september 15, 1834, and the followings days [Texto impreso] : chiefly compiled from the notes taken at the meeting

- 1847
Biblioteca Nacional de España

4. The coming of Messiah in glory and majesty [Texto impreso]

Lacunza, Manuel - 1833
Biblioteca Nacional de España

5. Consulta a los sabios sobre la aprocsimación de la segunda venida de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo [Texto impreso]

Un Magistrado Mexicano - 1835
Biblioteca Nacional de España

6. The day of the Lord [Texto impreso] : notes comprising the substance of a lecture

Newton, Benjamin Wills - Entre: 1850 y 1859.
Biblioteca Nacional de España

7. De la segunda venida de Cristo en gloria y majestad [Manuscrito]

Lacunza, Manuel - entre 1701 y 1800?
Biblioteca Nacional de España

8. Evil in the world, and sorrow in the church, until the coming of Christ [Texto impreso]

- 1845
Biblioteca Nacional de España

9. Five letters on events predicted in Scripture as antecedent to the coming of the Lord [Texto impreso]

Newton, Benjamin Wills - 1847
Biblioteca Nacional de España

10. Lectures on prophecy [Texto impreso]

Harris, J. L. - ?
Biblioteca Nacional de España

11. Order of events conected with the appearing of Christ and his millenial reign [Texto impreso] : extracted from the thirel series of "Aids to prophetic enquiry"

Newton, Benjamin Wills - 1850
Biblioteca Nacional de España

12. La venida del Mesias en gloria y magestad [Texto impreso]

Lacunza, Manuel - 1826