
Records 1-3 of 3 for the search

Author H. C.  And Institución Biblioteca Nacional de Panamá 

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Biblioteca Nacional de Panamá

1. Panama and the Canal to day: an historical account of the canal, with special reference to the early enterprises of the French company and the United States; the inception, construction, and completion of the canal; a survey of the first ten years of operation; and a history of the country to date, together with an account of its physical features and natural resources.

Forbes-Lindsay, C. H. - 1910
Biblioteca Nacional de Panamá

2. Revista Científica Ciencia Agropecuaria No. 1

Ortega, C. Samudio, C.E. Pinzón, B. González, J. Ruiloba, E. de. Ruíz, M.E. Ruiloba, H. Pitty, C. Instituto de Investigacion Agropecuario de Panamá - 1978
Biblioteca Nacional de Panamá

3. Revista Científica Ciencia Agropecuaria No. 12

Him H, P.V. Gutierrez T, G. de García, N. Castillo, A. González, A. Von Chong, K. Broce, D. Rodríguez, D. Vargas, J. Nuñez, L.M. Gordón, R. Franco, J. De Gracia, N. Camargo, I. González, A. Guerra, J.A. Murillo, A. Villarreal, N. Name, B. Villarreal, J. Pinzón, B. Montenegro, T. Argel, P. Ruiloba, H. Saldaña, C.I. Guerra, P. Quiel, T. Rodríguez G. De Gracia, M. Herrera, C. Lasso, R. - 2003