
Records 1-20 of 43 for the search

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Biblioteca Nacional de España

1. A critical commentary and paraphrase on the Old and New Testament and the apocrypha. Vol. IV [Texto impreso]

Patrick, Simon - 1842
Biblioteca Nacional de España

2. A grammar of the idioms of the Greek language of the New Testament [Texto impreso]

Winer, Georg Benedict - 1840
Biblioteca Nacional de España

3. A Greek and English lexicon of the New Testament [Texto impreso]

Robinson, Edward - 1836
Biblioteca Nacional de España

4. A Greek and English lexicon of the New Testament [Texto impreso]

Robinson, Edward - 1839
Biblioteca Nacional de España

5. A Greek and English lexicon to the new testament [Texto impreso] : in which the words and phrases occurring in those sacred books are distinctly explained and the meanings assigned to each authorized by references to passages of scripture, and frequently illustrated and confirmed by citations from the old testament and from the greek writers, to this work is prefixed, a plain and easy greek grammar, adapted to the use of learners, and those who understand no other language than English

Parkhurst, John - 1829
Biblioteca Nacional de España

6. A new greek and english lexicon to the New Testament, on the plan of Dawson's greek and latin lexicon [Texto impreso] : in this work the quantity of all the doubtful vowels in carefully marked, and genealogical tables connected with the sacred history are annexed

Laing, Henry - 1821
Biblioteca Nacional de España

7. Annotationes Iacobi Lopidis Stunicae contra Erasmum Roterodamum in defensionem tralationis Noui Testamenti

López de Zuñiga, Diego - 1520
Biblioteca Nacional de España

8. La arqueología greco latina ilustrando el Evangelio [Texto impreso]

Fernández Valbuena, Ramiro - entre 1909 y 1910
Biblioteca Nacional de España

9. La Bibbia : Cioe, i libri del Vecchio, e del Nuouo Testamento

Tournes, Jean de II (fl. 1564-1615) - 1607
Biblioteca Nacional de España

10. Brunonis carthusianorum patriarch[a]e sanctissimi, theologi parisiensis scholae doctissimi ... Opera & vita post indicem serie literaria indicanda

Bruno - 1524
Biblioteca Nacional de España

11. [La cena en casa de Simón el fariseo] [Material gráfico]

Mitelli, Giuseppe Maria - 1660
Biblioteca Nacional de España

12. Christiani Eberh Weismanni theologi Tubingensis Introductio in memorabilia ecclesiastica historiae sacrae Noui Testament [Texto impreso]i : ad iuuandam notitiam regni Dei et Satanae cordisque humani salutarem plana et facili methodo olim consignata ; [pars anterior posterior]

Weismann, Christian Eberhard - 1745
Biblioteca Nacional de España

13. Concordantiae Testamenti Noui, graecolatinae [Texto impreso] : nunc primùm plenae editae, & diu multúmque desideratae, vt optimae duces ad veram vocum illius interpretationem futuram

Estienne, Henri (1531-1598) - 1594
Biblioteca Nacional de España

14. Desiderii Erasmi Roterodami Paraphrases in Novum Testamentum

Erasmus, Desiderius - 1780
Biblioteca Nacional de España

15. Discursos morales sobre los Euangelios que canta la Iglesia desde Aduiento à Quaresma [Texto impreso]

Enríquez, Francisco - 1644
Biblioteca Nacional de España

16. Duae epistolae S. Clementis Romani ... quas ex codice manuscripto Novi Testamenti syriaci nunc primum erutas, cum versione latina opposita

Clemente - 1752
Biblioteca Nacional de España

17. E kaine diatheke = Novum Testamentum graecum : editionis receptae cum lectionibus variantibus Codicum M.SS., editionum aliarum, verssionum et Patrum, nec non commetario pleniore ex scriptoribus veteribus Hebraeis Graecis et Latinis historiam et vim verborum illustrante

Wettstein, Johann Jakob (1693-1754) - entre 1751 y 1752
Biblioteca Nacional de España

18. Ensayo sobre la divina autoridad del Nuevo Testamento [Texto impreso]

Bogue, David - 1829
Biblioteca Nacional de España

19. Erasmi schmidii opus sacrum posthumum : in quo continentur versio Novi Testamenti nova, ad graecam veritatem emendata, et notae ac animadversiones in idem ... accedit sacer contextus graecus, cum versione veteri ...

Schmidt, Erasmus (1570-1637) - 1658
Biblioteca Nacional de España

20. Espositione di Messer Bernardino Ochino sopra la Epistola di Paulo à i Galati [Texto impreso]

Ochino, Bernardino - 1546