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Record 1 of 1 for the search Author I.M.  And Document Type Dibujos, grabados y fotografías 

˜A œpeasant of Alenteju, a Lisbon fruit woman, a woman of Beira, ˜A œpeasant of Alentejo, a Lisbon fruit woman, a woman of Beira

I.M., ˜fl. ca œ1800
Neagle, James, 1760-1822
Cadell & Davies

  • Place of publication London, Cadell & Davies, 1795,
  • Edition London
    Cadell & Davies
  • Type Dibujos, grabados y fotografías
  • Physical description 1 gravura buril, p&b 23x30 cm
  • Description Em cima à d tª tem a inscrição: plate IX
    Gravura publicada na obra de James Murphy - Travels in Portugal..., London : A. Strahan, and T. Caldell Jun. and W. Davies, 1795
    Dim. da matriz: 18,9x23,6 cm
    Neagle sculp
  • Call number PURL 13227/0
    PURL 13227/1
    PURL 13227/2
    E. 4627 P.
  • Identifier 203584
  • UDC 391(469)"17"(084.1)
  • Summary Três camponesas, sendo a do meio saloia com burro