
Records 1-10 of 10 for the search

Institución Biblioteca Nacional de Colombia And tipo de materia Aves Hábitos y conducta Investigaciones 

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Biblioteca Nacional de Colombia

1. Ecology : ultraviolet reflectance by the skin of nestlings / Violaine Jourdie [y otros tres]

Alison Hopkins
Biblioteca Nacional de Colombia

2. Isolation and characterization of twelve polymorphic microsatellite loci for investigating an extreme case of microgeographical variation in an island bird (Zosterops borbonicus) / Joris A. M. Bertrand [y otros seis]

Arbortext Advanced Print Publisher 9.0.114/W
Biblioteca Nacional de Colombia

3. Multimodal begging signals reflect independent indices of nestling condition in european starlings / Staffan Jacob, Guillaume Rieucau, Philipp Heeb

Jacob, Staffan,autor
Biblioteca Nacional de Colombia

4. Nestling detectability affects parental feeding preferences in a cavity nesting bird / Philipp Heeb, Tanja Shwander & Sacha Faoro

Heeb, Philipp,autor
Biblioteca Nacional de Colombia

5. Offspring sex ratio is related to male body size in the great tit (Parus major) / Mathias Kölliker [y otros cinco]

Kölliker, Mathias,autor
Biblioteca Nacional de Colombia

6. Ontogeny of sexual dimorphism in the Long tailed Manakin Chiroxiphia linearis : long maturation of display trait morphology / José Edgardo Arévalo, Philipp Heeb

Arévalo, José Edgardo,autor
Biblioteca Nacional de Colombia

7. Pair copulation frequency correlates with female reproductive performance in Tree Sparrows Passer montanus / Philipp Heeb

Heeb, Philipp,autor
Biblioteca Nacional de Colombia

8. The quantitative genetic basis of offspring solicitation and parental response in a passerine bird with biparental care / Mathias Kölliker [y otros cuatro]

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Biblioteca Nacional de Colombia

9. Social and sexual behaviours aid transmission of bacteria in birds / Subhash Kulkarni, Philipp Heeb

Kulkarni, Subhash,autor
Biblioteca Nacional de Colombia

10. Social foraging and the evolution of white plumage / Guy Beauchamp, Philipp Heeb

Beauchamp, Guy,autor