
Records 1-20 of 752 for the search

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Biblioteca Nacional de España

1. A Compleat Map of the East Indies [Material cartográfico] : exhibiting the English Territorial Acquisitions

Dunn, Samuel (m. 1794) - 1794
Biblioteca Nacional de España

2. A Correct Map and Chart of the Peninsula of India done from the Plans & Journals deposited in the Marine Office for the Use of the French King's Ships [Material cartográfico] : by Order of the Duke de Praslin Superintendant of the Marine in 1766

Bellin, Jacques Nicolas (1703-1772) - 1766
Biblioteca Nacional de España

3. A Map of a Part of Yucatan, or of that Part of the Eastern Shore within the Bay of Honduras Alloted to Great Britain for the Cutting of Logwood, in consequence at the Convention Signed with Spain on the 14th. July 1786 [Material cartográfico]

Faden, William (1749-1836) - entre 1786 y 1787
Biblioteca Nacional de España

4. A Map of Bengal, Bahar, Oude & Allahabad with Part of Agra and Delhi [Material cartográfico] : Exhibiting the Course of the Ganges from Hurdwar to the Sea

Rennell, James (1742-1830) - 1786
Biblioteca Nacional de España

5. A Map of the British and French Dominions in North America with the Road, Distances, Limits and Extent of the Settlements, Humbly Inscribed to the Rights Honourable the East of Halifax, And the other Rights Honourable The Lords Commissioners for the Trade & Plantations [Material cartográfico]

Mitchell, John (1711-1768) - 1755
Biblioteca Nacional de España

6. A Map of the British Colonies in North America [Material cartográfico] : with the Roads, Distances, Limits, and Extent of the Settlements, Humbly Inscribed to the Right Honourable the East of Halifax, And the other Right Honourable, The Lords Commissioners for Trade & Plantations

Kitchin, Thomas (1718-1784) - 1755
Biblioteca Nacional de España

7. A Map of the Caribbee Islands [Material cartográfico] : Shewing which belong to England, France, Spain, Dutch & Danes

Jefferys, Thomas (ca. 1710-1771) - 1756
Biblioteca Nacional de España

8. A Map of Chinese Tartary with Corea [Material cartográfico]

Dunn, Samuel (m. 1794) - 1794
Biblioteca Nacional de España

9. A Map of the Frontiers of the Emperor and the Dutch in Flanders and Brabant [Material cartográfico] : including the Greatest part of these two countries, with the Isles of Zealand, the Mouths of the Scheldt &ca.

Faden, William (1749-1836) - 1789
Biblioteca Nacional de España

10. A Map of Hindoostan, or the Mongul Empire [Material cartográfico] : From the latest Authorities, Inscribed to Sir Joseph Banks Bart. President of the Royal Society &c, &c

Rennell, James (1742-1830) - 1788
Biblioteca Nacional de España

11. A Map of Independent Tartary Containing the Countries of the Kalmuks and Uzbeks with the Tibet [Material cartográfico]

Dunn, Samuel (m. 1794) - 1794
Biblioteca Nacional de España

12. A Map of Louisiana and Mexico [Material cartográfico] = Carte de la Lousiane et du Mexique

Tardieu, Pierre Antoine (1784-1869) - 1820
Biblioteca Nacional de España

13. A map of the Peninsula of India... [Material cartográfico]

- 1795
Biblioteca Nacional de España

14. A Map of the Peninsula of India from the 19th Degree North Latitude to Cape Comorin MDCCXCII ... [Material cartográfico]

Campbell, Archibald Sir - entre 1792 y 1795
Biblioteca Nacional de España

15. A Map of the Province of New York [Material cartográfico] : Reduc'd from the large Drawing of that Province

Sauthier, Claude Joseph - 1776
Biblioteca Nacional de España

16. A Map of South America [Material cartográfico] : According to the best Autorithies

Kitchin, Thomas (1718-1784) - 1788?
Biblioteca Nacional de España

17. A map of South America [Material cartográfico] : Containing Tierra Firma, Guayana, New Granada, Amazonia, Brasil, Perú, Paraguay, Chaco, Tucuman, Chili, and Patagonia from Mr. D'Anville with Several improvements and Additions, and the Newest Discoveries

Anville, Jean-Baptiste Bourguignon d' (1697-1782) - 1779
Biblioteca Nacional de España

18. A Map of Turkey in Asia [Material cartográfico] : Containing the Countries of Anadoli, Carman, Roum, Georgia Armenia, Kurdistan, Algezira, Syria &c

Dunn, Samuel (m. 1794) - 1794
Biblioteca Nacional de España

19. A Map of the West Indies from the best Authorities [Material cartográfico]

Stockdale, John (1750-1814) - 1799
Biblioteca Nacional de España

20. A New & Exact Map of the Island of Barbadoes in America [Material cartográfico]

Mayo, William (1684-1744) - entre 1722 y 1744