
Records 1-18 of 18 for the search

Institución Biblioteca Nacional de Panamá And tipo de materia Estados Unidos-relaciones exteriores-Panamá 

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Biblioteca Nacional de Panamá

1. Admoniciones en torno a la construcción de una vía Interoceánica a través del Istmo de Panamá

Arosemena, Justo - 1994
Biblioteca Nacional de Panamá

2. Canal de Panamá

Gutiérrez Sobral, José
Biblioteca Nacional de Panamá

3. Canal de Panamá

Gutiérrez Sobral, José
Biblioteca Nacional de Panamá

4. Carta a un amigo norteamericano = A letter to a north american friend

Lewis García de Paredes, Samuel - 1964
Biblioteca Nacional de Panamá

5. La defensa del Canal, 1939 1941: I parte

Araúz Monfante, Celestino Andrés
Biblioteca Nacional de Panamá

6. Documentos importantes relacionados con las negociaciones del Tratado de 28 de julio de 1926: tomados de la Memoria de Relaciones Exteriores presentada a la Asamblea Nacional

Panamá, Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores - 1927
Biblioteca Nacional de Panamá

7. Informe rendido el 20 de septiembre de 1960 al presidente electo de la república, 1960 1964, don Roberto F. Chiari

Panamá, Comisión de Política Internacional - 1960
Biblioteca Nacional de Panamá

8. Justo Arosemena ante el expansionismo de los Estados Unidos

Araúz Monfante, Celestino Andrés - 1996
Biblioteca Nacional de Panamá

9. Manifesto to the nation by the executive power of the Republic of Panama on the 24th of August 1921 and note of protest to the Secretary of the state of the United States of America by the Secretary of foreign relations of Panama on special mission to the Washington government on the 24th of August 1921

Panamá, Presidente (1912-1916 : Porras)
Biblioteca Nacional de Panamá

10. Manifesto to the nation by the executive power of the Republic of Panama on the 24th of August 1921 and note of protest to the Secretary of the state of the United States of America by the Secretary of foreign relations of Panama on special mission to the Washington government on the 24th of August 1921

Panamá, Presidente (1912-1916 : Porras)
Biblioteca Nacional de Panamá

11. Nueva Granada i los Estados Unidos de América : final controversia diplomática con relación a los sucesos de Panamá el día 15 de abril de 1856

- 1857
Biblioteca Nacional de Panamá

12. Operación soberanía

Arellano Lennox, Carlos
Biblioteca Nacional de Panamá

13. The Panama Canal and the problem of security: report of the Subcommittee to Investigate the Administration of the Internal Security Act and Other Internal Security Laws of the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, Ninety fourth Congress, second session, October 1976

United States, Congress, Senate, Committee on the Judiciary, Subcommittee to Investigate the Administration of the Internal Security Act and Other Internal Security Laws
Biblioteca Nacional de Panamá

14. The Panama Canal and the problem of security: report of the Subcommittee to Investigate the Administration of the Internal Security Act and Other Internal Security Laws of the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, Ninety fourth Congress, second session, October 1976

United States, Congress, Senate, Committee on the Judiciary, Subcommittee to Investigate the Administration of the Internal Security Act and Other Internal Security Laws
Biblioteca Nacional de Panamá

15. The Panama Canal: popular myths and political realities; address by the honorable Ellsworth Bunker, ambassador at large United States of America before the Los Angeles world affairs Council, December 2, 1975

Bunker, Ellsworth
Biblioteca Nacional de Panamá

16. Panama: political and economic conditions and U.S. relations

Sullivan, Mark
Biblioteca Nacional de Panamá

17. Partido Nacional

- 1948
Biblioteca Nacional de Panamá

18. Reflexiones en torno de la revisión del tratado de una encuesta pública

Tuñón, Juan de la C - 1954