Titles in alphabetical order
A case of conscience, the greatest thateuer was : how a man may know whether he be the child of God or no ...
A catalogue of the manuscripts of the King's library [Texto impreso] : An appendix to the catalogue of the Cottonian library... [With] copper plates
A Catechism of the history of France [Texto impreso] : containing a clear outline of all the important changes which that country has undergone from the foundation of the Kingdom to the year 1827
A Chart of a part of the Coast of Cochinchina [Material cartográfico] : from Cham Collao Island to the Kings River
A Chart of the British Channel, Extending from Dover to The Isles of Scilly on the English Coast, and from Cape Gris Nez to the Isle of Ouessant on the French Coast; To which are added a Part of the German Sea, with the Entrance of the Thames, the Banks or Flanders, and the Straits of Dover, also the Bristol Channel, the South West Coast of Ireland, as far as Cape Clear; and Part of the Atlantic Ocean [Material cartográfico] : Laid down from Authentic Surveys, both Printed and Manuscript, from all the Maps and Charts hitherto Published in England, and particularly, in respect to the French Coast, from the Large Topographical Map of France Survey'd by Order of that Government. The whole Regulated according to the Astronomical Observations of both the Kingdoms
A Chart of Palk's Straits and Bay whit the Coast [Material cartográfico] : from Negapatnam to Kilkare and the opposite Coast of Ceylon
A Chart of Part of the Coast of Kent, from the North Foreland to the Isle of Sheppey [Material cartográfico] : from the lastest Observations of the most eminent Pilots
A cien kilómetros de todo
A classical Dictionary for the use of schools [Texto impreso] : containing under its different heads, very thing illustrative and explanatory of the Mythology, History, Geography, Manners, Customs, &c. : occurring in the Greek and Roman authors generally read in all public seminaries : and intendedas a medium between the scanty and defective description of proper names subjoined to Latin Dictionaries and a more voluminous work of the same kind
A Collection of the statutes relating to the Admiralty, Navy, ships of war, and incidental matters ; [Texto impreso] : to the 8th. year of King George the third
A complete epitome of practical navigation [Texto impreso] : containing all necessary instruction for keeping a ship's reckoning at sea : With the most approved methods of ascertaining the latitude by meridian, single, or double, altitudes and the longitude by cronometers, or lunar observations, including a journal of a voyage from London to Madeira
A complete systeme of Geography... of the Known, world... [Texto impreso] : The whole Illustrated with seventy maps...
A continuation of the comical history of the most ingenious Knight, Don Quixote de la Mancha
A Correct Chart of the East Coast from Haisborough Sand to Kinston upon Hull [Material cartográfico]
A Correct Chart of the East Coast from Hasbrough or Haisborough Sand to Kingston upon Hull [Material cartográfico]
A Correct Map and Chart of the Peninsula of India done from the Plans & Journals deposited in the Marine Office for the Use of the French King's Ships [Material cartográfico] : by Order of the Duke de Praslin Superintendant of the Marine in 1766
A critical pronouncing dictionary, and exposito of the english language... [Texto impreso] : to which are prefixed, principles of english pronunciation... to which is added, a key to the classical pronunciation of the Greek, Latin, and Scripture proper names
A dança do ki fá fá
A dança do Ki fá fá [Grabación sonora] : marcha , Juro por Deus : samba
A display of heraldry : manifesting a more easie access to the knowledge therof then hath hitherto been published by any, through the benefit of method
A Draught of the Gut of Canso Between Nova Scotia and Cape Breton Island [Material cartográfico] : Surveyed by the King's Ships in 1761
A Draught of the Windward Coast, of the Mosquito Shore [Material cartográfico] : From Point Pattuck, to St. Ihons, and Continued on the Spanish Main to Escuda Veragua, with the Islands, Keys, Shoals Adjacent
A draught of the Windward cost, of the Mosquito shore from Point Pattuck to St. Iohns and continued on the Spanish Main to Escuda Veragua, with the Islands, Keys, Shoals Adjacent
"A ellos les da verguënza decir que son románticos"
A few words on the subject of the denominated act of the three Estates of the Kingdom of Portugal, Assembled in Cortes, in Lisbon on the 11th of july, 1828.
A first and second latin book and practical grammar [recurso electrónico] / by Thomas Kerchever Arnold ; carefully rev. and corr. by Rev. J. A. Spencer ...
A Francisco Ortega le importa un cuesco no tener diploma
A General Chart of the South Coast of Ireland [Material cartográfico] : From Wexford to Kenmare River
A general view of the state of Portugal [Texto impreso] : containing a topographical description thereof. In which are included, an account of the physical and moral state of the Kingdom... Illustrated with plates
A Geometrical Plan of the Southern Harbour or Looc See Kooamboo and Looc Seempool on Balambangan [Material cartográfico]
A grammar of the greek language [recurso electrónico] : principally from the german of Kühner, with selections from Matthiae, Buttmann, thiersch, and Rost, for the use of schools and colleges / by Charles Anthon
A hires neves Don Quijote lovag kaland jai
A journal kept on a journey from Bassora to Bagdad, over the little desert, to Aleppo, Cyprus, Rhodes, Zante... in the year 1779 [Texto impreso]
A Journal of eight days yourney from Portsmouth to Kingston upon Thames... [Texto impreso] : To which is added an essay on Tea... with several political reflections and thoughts on public love...
A Kempis / Amado Nervo
A key to the exercises in the new method of learning to read, write, and speak a language in six months [recurso electrónico] : adapted to the italian / by H.G. Ollendorfff ; edited by Felix Forresti
A key to the German language, and conversation [Texto impreso] : containing common expressions on a variety of subjects, with an easy introduction to the German grammar …
A Key to the greek Testament [Texto impreso] : part the first, comprehending the text of the Gospel of St. John, and an interlineary translation, with a Preface explanatory of the principles and practice of the Hamiltonian System
A key to howard's [recurso electrónico] : greek exercises
A kiss for papa
A letter from Maria Callcot to Mr. Dawson Turner Esq. Kensington, [26/11/1835]
A letter to John Gage... by William Young Ottley on a manuscript in the British Museum, believed by him to be of the second or third century and containing the translation of Aratus's astronomical poem by Cicero, accompanied by drawings of the constellations: with a preliminary dissertation in proof of the use of minuscule writing by the ancient Romans; and a corrected edition of the poem itself, including ten lines not heretofore known
A literal translation, with the Spanish interlined of the life and exploits of the ingenious knight Don Quixote de la Mancha [Texto impreso]
"A manera de prólogo"
A Map of the County of Kent [Material cartográfico] : Taken from an Actual Survey as an Index to the Large One
A Map of The German Empire Divided into its Circles to which id added The Kingdom of Prussia [Material cartográfico] : Divided into its Circles to which id added The Kingdom of Prussia, The whole laid down from the most accurate Surveys And chiefly from the Map of Marshal de Schmettau Lately Publish'd at Berlin By the Royal Acad. of Sciences
A Map of Independent Tartary Containing the Countries of the Kalmuks and Uzbeks with the Tibet [Material cartográfico]
A Map of the King of Great Britains Dominions in Germany or the Electorate of Brunswick Luneburg with its Dependencies [Material cartográfico] : containing the Dutchies of Luneburg, Calenberg, Grubenhagen, Lauenburg, Bremen & Verden and the Counties of Danneberg, Hoya, Diephout & Hohenstein
A Map of the Kingdom of Ireland, Divided into Provinces Counties and Baronies, Shewing the Archbishopricks, Bishopricks, Cities, Borounghs, Market, Towns, Villages... [Material cartográfico
A Map of the Kingdom of Poland and of the Grand Dutchy of Lithuania [Material cartográfico] : with their Dismembered Provinces and the Kingdom of Prussia